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At Consultalytics, we specialize in empowering law enforcement professionals with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed. Our data-driven approach enables us to provide comprehensive training, mentoring, and consulting services that can be tailored to the specific needs of your organization.

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Our Mentorship program is designed to provide you with personalized guidance, so you can enhance your analytic and technical skills in public safety. We are passionate about sharing our knowledge and experience with public safety analysts, new and experienced, to elevate their skills and techniques. With our Mentorship program, we guarantee that you will have a trusting partner for your professional growth.

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Looking for a reliable partner to train your personnel in data-driven strategies? Look no further than our Training program. Our expert, and certified, trainers deliver tailored training courses that help you increase productivity, boost results, and drive success.

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Not sure where to begin with implementing an intelligence unit, real-time crime center (RTCC), or similar unit? Our Consulting program provides on the ground assistance for as long as needed to ensure your new unit produces actionable intelligence that will solve crimes, detect trends, identify threats, and facilitate positive community relationships. 

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